Oh how delighted am I to receive this fab award from the lovely
Tracy over at Queenies. I have seen these on other peoples blog and thought I would love to answer all those questions with one word, now that will be a challenge for me....lol, so thank you soooo much for this Tracy, you made my day!:)
OK the rules are; pass this award onto 5 peeps! Post on their blog to let them know and answer a list of questions in one word, easy peasy!

1 Where is your cell phone - Bag
2 Your hair? - Sad
3 Your Mother? - Kind
4 Your Father? - Kind
5 Your favourite food? - Lamb
6 Your dream last night? - Forgot
7 Your favourite drink? - Coke-a-cola
8 Your dream/goal - Craft room
9 What room are you in? - Lounge
10 Your hobby? - Paper crafting
11 Your fear? - Dying
12 Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Here/happy
13 Where were you last night? - Home
14 Something that you aren't? - Patient
15 Muffins - Yum!
16 Wish list item? - PTI warehouse
17 Where did you grow up? - Liverpool
18 Last thing you did? - TV/QVC
19 What are you wearing? - PJ's
20 Your TV? - Philips
21 Your pets? - None
22 friends? - Many
23 Your life? - Busy
24 Your mood? - Tired
25 Missing someone? - A few
26 Vehicle? - Astra
27 Something you're not wearing? - Shoes
28 Your favourite store? - John Lewis
29 Your favourite colour? - Pink!
30 Last time you laughed? - Today
31 Last time you cryed? - Sunday (Emergency in the Womb - TV)
32 Your best friend? - Hubby
33 One place that I go to over and over? - Asda
34 Facebook? - Yes
35 Favourite place to eat? - Home
OMG, I made it! And now I would like to pass this fab award onto;